This week is Pride Week in my hometown of Vancouver, so I want to take this chance to explain my feelings about equality and inclusion, and also relate this back to fertility awareness. I believe we should all be free
Want To Conceive? Make Sure You Know When You’re Actually Ovulating!
It’s a common myth that ovulation happens on day 14 of the menstrual cycle, or 14 days before the next period. In reality each person is different, and ovulation could be anywhere from 9 to 16 days prior to the next period!
In fact, research has shown that miscalculating the fertile phase of the cycle is a big reason a lot of people are supposedly “infertile.” In reality they just got the days wrong!
Most Charting Apps Don’t Work For Birth Control (But That’s Okay!)
There are tons of charting apps out there (over 100!) so how are you supposed to know which one is best to use? Many of them are based off the Rhythm Method (which doesn’t work), and lots are simply period predictors so not useful for actual fertility charting.
Lucky for us, a study just came out that reviewed tons of different apps and created a rating scale to compare them as birth control.
The Myth Of Spontaneous Sex
There’s a myth in our culture that sex has to be spontaneous to be good and anything else is sub par.
Yes, spontaneous sex can be fun, but the implication that planned sex or sex you have to discuss beforehand is boring and blase couldn’t be further from the truth and leads to a lot of unhappy people!
Read on to see how talking about sex can improve your satisfaction!
How To Get Rid Of Your Menstrual Cramps
Most women think menstrual cramps are the curse of being a woman and there’s nothing we can do about it, but I’m here to tell you that’s just not true!
Is Your Menstrual Cycle Healthy?
Having a healthy menstrual cycle is about far more than just how regular it is and how long it lasts.
And unfortunately, the vast majority of women don’t know what to look for to figure this out.
The common myth is that if your cycle is about 28 days and fairly regular, and if the pain isn’t unbearable or flow too heavy, that everything is fine. In reality, there’s a lot more to it.
The Sunshine Vitamin And Your Fertility
We all know that sunshine is good for our moods and people living in the North tend to be more depressed in the dark days of winter, but did you know that sunshine is also good for your reproductive health?
I’m talking about the vitamin D that you get from the sun, which is so important that it’s even considered to be a hormone!
Read on to see how vitamin D helps your reproductive health.
To Temp Or Not To Temp
Well, that is the question, isn’t it?!
There seems to be some debate, and I’ve heard it from my own clients, about whether or not it’s possible to practice fertility awareness for contraception accurately and effectively by using mucus only.
I have to tell you that temping is not intrinsically better than not temping! But there’s a big caveat here: it all depends on how you were trained.
Balance Your Hormones With Movement
We all know that exercise is good for us, but did you know it can actually help improve your hormone balance and improve your menstrual cycles?!
Read on to see how exercises helps to improve your hormones.
Why Menstruation Is A Feminist Issue
If you think this is a weird day to commemorate and that everybody knows periods are normal and we don’t need to worry about stigma any more, think again!
Talking about menstruation and helping break the taboos is one of my goals as a fertility awareness educator, and is an important feminist issue for all of us to think about.