Want To Conceive? Make Sure You Know When You’re Actually Ovulating!

positive pregnancy test

It’s a common myth that ovulation happens on day 14 of the menstrual cycle, or 14 days before the next period. In reality each person is different, and ovulation could be anywhere from 9 to 16 days prior to the next period!

In fact, research has shown that miscalculating the fertile phase of the cycle is a big reason a lot of people are supposedly “infertile.” In reality they just got the days wrong!

Most Charting Apps Don’t Work For Birth Control (But That’s Okay!)

Most Charting Apps Don’t Work For Birth Control (But That’s Okay!)

There are tons of charting apps out there (over 100!) so how are you supposed to know which one is best to use? Many of them are based off the Rhythm Method (which doesn’t work), and lots are simply period predictors so not useful for actual fertility charting.

Lucky for us, a study just came out that reviewed tons of different apps and created a rating scale to compare them as birth control.

To Temp Or Not To Temp

To Temp Or Not To Temp

Well, that is the question, isn’t it?!

There seems to be some debate, and I’ve heard it from my own clients, about whether or not it’s possible to practice fertility awareness for contraception accurately and effectively by using mucus only.

I have to tell you that temping is not intrinsically better than not temping! But there’s a big caveat here: it all depends on how you were trained.

Fertility Awareness Is As Effective As The Pill!

Fertility Awareness Is As Effective As The Pill!

One of the most common myths about the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) is that it doesn’t work to prevent pregnancy. And when women are learning how to use it they always want to know how effective it is. At perfect use, it’s 99.6% effective, as good as hormonal contraception! (something a lot of people don’t know).

So how do we know this? Science! Keep reading to see the research that backs this up.