Why Taking A Break From Caffeine Might Be A Good Idea

Why Taking A Break From Caffeine Might Be A Good Idea

When I stop to think about it, really examine how our society is living, I am astounded by how dependent so many of us are on caffeine.

I know lots of people who don’t feel right in the morning without their cup of joe or can’t wake up without that boost. Did you know there are a ton of benefits to your body if you take a break from caffeine, including improved hormonal health?

Five Tips For Dealing With Erratic Temperatures

Five Tips For Dealing With Erratic Temperatures

When you’re charting your cycles you can confirm ovulation has passed when you see three temperatures higher than the previous six. The difficulty with this is that a lot of women don’t have a clear temperature shift and it can be confusing. This is especially important for women trying to avoid pregnancy so they can consider themselves to be infertile again and confidently go back to unprotected sex.

Here are five tips for dealing with erratic temperatures.