How Heavy Is Too Heavy?

Niagara Falls

Do you know a heavy period is a sign of hormonal imbalance and it can be addressed naturally through nutrition and lifestyle?

Unfortunately many people don’t realize they have a period that is too heavy because the number of pads or tampons used each cycle isn’t something that’s usually discussed. Or, they think this is just they way their body works and they suffer through it. Read on to learn how heavy is too heavy and what you can do about it.

Is Your Menstrual Cycle Healthy?

magnifying glass

Having a healthy menstrual cycle is about far more than just how regular it is and how long it lasts.

And unfortunately, the vast majority of women don’t know what to look for to figure this out.

The common myth is that if your cycle is about 28 days and fairly regular, and if the pain isn’t unbearable or flow too heavy, that everything is fine. In reality, there’s a lot more to it.