Hard To Stay Motivated?

young woman full of boredom leaned her head on her hand

When it comes to fertility awareness and charting your cycles, there will be times that you feel like you just can’t be bothered.

You will have different motivations for charting at different times in your life, and your interest in it will wax and wane over the years.

Sometimes that can lead to guilt and worry, but I’m here to tell you that it’s okay!

What The Heck Is Vaginal Cell Slough?


One of the most common confusions when first learning the Fertility Awareness Method is figuring out what the heck vaginal cell slough is and how it differentiates from mucus.

This often leads to people over-interpreting mucus and thinking they are fertile for many more days than they really are and having inaccurate charts. Read on to find out how to distinguish these two – it’s actually really easy!

Is Your Menstrual Cycle Healthy?

magnifying glass

Having a healthy menstrual cycle is about far more than just how regular it is and how long it lasts.

And unfortunately, the vast majority of women don’t know what to look for to figure this out.

The common myth is that if your cycle is about 28 days and fairly regular, and if the pain isn’t unbearable or flow too heavy, that everything is fine. In reality, there’s a lot more to it.

To Temp Or Not To Temp

To Temp Or Not To Temp

Well, that is the question, isn’t it?!

There seems to be some debate, and I’ve heard it from my own clients, about whether or not it’s possible to practice fertility awareness for contraception accurately and effectively by using mucus only.

I have to tell you that temping is not intrinsically better than not temping! But there’s a big caveat here: it all depends on how you were trained.

Believe In Yourself!

Believe In Yourself!

There are so many apps, devices, and discussion groups floating around the interwebs these days that it’s enough to make a person wonder if they can really be successful with charting on their own. What app should you use? What discussion board will be most helpful? Can you really do it without some kind of device to back you up?