To Temp Or Not To Temp

To Temp Or Not To Temp

Well, that is the question, isn’t it?!

There seems to be some debate, and I’ve heard it from my own clients, about whether or not it’s possible to practice fertility awareness for contraception accurately and effectively by using mucus only.

I have to tell you that temping is not intrinsically better than not temping! But there’s a big caveat here: it all depends on how you were trained.

Five Tips For Dealing With Erratic Temperatures

Five Tips For Dealing With Erratic Temperatures

When you’re charting your cycles you can confirm ovulation has passed when you see three temperatures higher than the previous six. The difficulty with this is that a lot of women don’t have a clear temperature shift and it can be confusing. This is especially important for women trying to avoid pregnancy so they can consider themselves to be infertile again and confidently go back to unprotected sex.

Here are five tips for dealing with erratic temperatures.

The Three Signs Of Fertility

fertility chart and thermometer

As I said in my How To Chart (Quick & Dirty Version) article, the practice of using Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM) involves monitoring your body’s signs of fertility.

The three signs of fertility that can be monitored are cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and cervical position. I now want to explain in a bit more detail how this works and why you need to look at these particular body signs.

How To Chart (Quick & Dirty Version)

fertility chart and thermometer

So you’ve heard about charting your fertility or using the fertility awareness method (FAM) and you’re wondering what it actually looks like. Is it easy or hard? Take a lot of time or a little?

While it may seem a bit overwhelming, I promise you that it’s really simple, and once you get into the habit of doing it it’ll be as simple as brushing your teeth.

Here’s how to chart in three easy steps.